The Company is committed to maintaining a high standard of corporate governance within a sensible framework with an emphasis on the principles of integrity, transparency, accountability, and independence. The Board believes that good corporate governance is essential for sustainable development and growth of the Company, enhancement of its credibility as well as shareholders' value.
GBM, GBS, JP, Chairman
Chief Executive Officer
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Non-executive Director
The overall management of the Group's business is vested in the Board, which monitors the Group’s operating and financial performance and is collectively responsible for promoting the success of the Group by directing and supervising its affairs and overseeing the achievement of strategic plans to enhance shareholders' value.
The Board is responsible for all major aspects of the Group's affairs, including the approval and monitoring of key policy matters, overall strategies, business plans and annual budgets, internal control and risk management systems, material transactions (including, in particular, those which may involve conflicts of interest), major capital expenditure, appointment of Directors and Board Committee members, and other significant financial and operational matters. The Board also plays a central support and supervisory role in the Company's corporate governance duties to ensure the Company maintains a sound governance framework for long-term sustainable shareholders' value.
All operational decisions are delegated to the Executive Directors. The day-to-day management, administration and operation of the Group are the responsibilities of senior management of different business divisions and their functions and work tasks are periodically reviewed. The Board gives clear directions to management as to their powers and circumstances where management should report back. Approval has to be obtained from the Board prior to any decision being made or any commitments being entered into on behalf of the Group that are outside the limits of the authority given to them by the Board.
Directors have full and timely access to all relevant information as well as the advice and services of the Company Secretary, with a view to ensuring that Board procedures and all applicable rules and regulations are followed.
Management has an obligation to supply to the Board and its committees adequate, complete and reliable information in a timely manner to enable them to make informed decisions. A Director's portal has been in place to facilitate online access to information needed by Board members. Each Director has separate and independent access to management.