Our Vision


The future is full of uncertainty, and we believe that staying resilient and solution-oriented is the key to successfully navigate these volatile times. To do that, our mission is to continuously innovate to build a better tomorrow for our people, community and environment, and to create more opportunities.

Better Tomorrow 2021-2030

SOCAM embarked on the Company’s first sustainable development strategy “Better Tomorrow 2021–2030”, setting the sustainability blueprint, vision and target, and guide our efforts for adopting sustainable practices in all business operations. Powered by the full strength of our team, our mission is to become a sustainable and resilient business through continuous innovation, creating more opportunities and positive impact for our employees and stakeholders.

Key Focus Area

    • Contribute to Economic Growth
    • Retain and Attract Talent
    • Build Trusted Relationship
    • Reduce Carbon Emissions
    • Implement Circular Construction
    • Create a Sustainable Supply Chain
    • Create a Built Environment of Safety and Wellbeing
    • Develop long-term social impact programmes

Sustainability Governance

To bolster leadership on sustainable development, our Sustainability Steering Committee went through an overhaul in 2020. Chaired by the CEO, the committee further enhances overall accountability and reports bi-annually to the Audit Committee. Comprised of heads of key business units and department heads to spearhead five ESG aspects, the committee aims to bring our sustainability strategy and vision to life through a broad range of relevant initiatives across our business units and operations.
