• Our long term success is built on a strong sense of responsibility for our stakeholders and the larger community of which we are an integral part.

Shui On We Care

In 2008, we formulated our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Statement detailing our commitment in three areas of focus: our people, the environment and the community.


    Caring for the Community

    • Building a “We Care” culture throughout Shui On
    • Contributing resources to charitable causes and educational initiatives in the community.

    Caring for the Environment

    • Devoting systematic efforts towards the conservation of energy and natural resources
    • Reduction of waste and emissions at both business operation and individual levels.

    Caring for our People

    • Enhancing the level of engagement, health and safety, overall wellness and personal growth of our employees
    • Making Shui On a better place to work.
Safety Culture

SOCAM firmly believes that a healthy and pleasant working environment is essential for the sustainable growth of a company. Our long-established safety culture started in 1979, when we took the lead in establishing the Safety Committee. Spearheaded by the Health, Safety and Environment Management Committee, we were accredited with the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001 certification.

Caring for the Environment

Environmental management is core to SOCAM’s business strategy and practices. Shui On has for many years been a first adopter of new methodologies that bring about a measurable improvement in conservation of energy and natural resources, waste management and emissions reduction.

Community Contributions

On the long tradition of the Shui On We Care Spirit,

SOCAM’s investment in the community takes into account specific societal needs; ways in which we can focus the areas and nature of our contributions.

Our Efforts in 2020